
Recruiting the next Patchwork Cohort

On the 12th and 14th January, the Rockwell team were once again delighted to support the Patchwork Foundation in recruiting the 2021 Masterclass cohort.

Patchwork’s award-winning training programme attracts hundreds of applications each year and has found success in the past twelve months despite successive national lockdowns. The Rockwell team interviewed candidates from a range of different backgrounds and political experiences. Many had a track-record of campaigning and community work through social action programmes on matters from BAME representation to woman’s rights and sport. Each was extremely impressive and it was exceptionally hard to arrive at a shortlist. However, we’re pleased to say, after much deliberation, the final 30 have now been selected and the successful cohort will be announced in late January 2021. Discussing the selection process, Esmat Jeraj, Chief Operating Officer for Patchwork Foundation, said:

“Each year we receive a high level of fantastic applications from passionate, curious and talented young people from underrepresented backgrounds interested in participating in our Masterclass programme. Deciding which individuals are accepted onto the programme is always a challenge. We are very grateful to Rockwell and its team for their assistance in interviewing and shortlisting candidates for the third consecutive year. These interviews provide us with an opportunity to get to know each applicant and better understand their aspirations and interests, enabling us to develop our programme to support them holistically. We’re really excited to welcome 2021’s participants in early February, and help champion and support their development”.

Donal Mulryan, Founder of Rockwell, added:

“The Patchwork recruitment process is always a rewarding experience for our team and a highlight of our year. We’re delighted to participate and to help find the next cohort of Patchworkers! As with previous years, this has been highly competitive, reflecting both the desirability of the Masterclass Series and high quality of applicant it attracts. We look forward to getting to know those who progress better over the coming months, as well as supporting and championing them during this unique 10-month programme.”

The Patchwork programme has expanded in leaps and bounds over the last few years and will be continuing this year with virtual masterclasses until social distancing restrictions hopefully loosen in the coming months. Rockwell is proud to continue supporting Patchwork and the team is very excited to meet the 2021 Rockwell Cohort. To find out more or offer your support email [email protected]