
Rockwell ‘Climb Everest’ in Support of Keeping Families Together

Members of the Rockwell team climbed 2,700 storeys at Vetro

Last month, the team came together to raise more than £2000 in support of Wandsworth-based charity, Keeping Families Together (KFT). Climbing a combined 2,700 storeys at Vetro, Rockwell’s 30 storey development in Westferry, they accumulated a distance equivalent to the height of the 29,000ft Mt. Everest. Rockwell is proud to continue supporting KFT, who are provide vital support to so many in South West London.

KFT helps families who are struggling with day-to-day issues by offering support for parents and children through workshops on issues of loneliness and protecting families from gang culture. They’re the ones who stand by the side of the families and liaise with social services, schools, parents and other professionals when it comes to child protection and child-in-need meetings. They not only have an early intervention approach that supports young people in gang exit but work with both parents and children struggling with mental health issues.

KFT recently launched a nightline for parents and carers in South West London, which will provide free, otherwise unavailable support with important family issues in the evening and early hours of the morning.

Volunteers will be on the helpline throughout the evening and early hours of the morning for any struggling person to speak to, to talk through any problem, in a time of need.

To access the new free advice line, call, text or WhatsApp the team on 07300 516 783:

  • From Friday 5pm through to 9am on Saturday
  • From Saturday 5pm through to 9am on Sunday