Rockwell Property

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Rockwell Hosts Skills Bootcamp at Hurlingham Waterfront

Throughout the summer Rockwell has been running a skills bootcamp at Hurlingham Waterfront, providing young aspiring construction workers from the local area with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience at the development in SW6.

In partnership with onsite contractor, O’Halloran & O’Brien, the free skills bootcamp programme gives participants valuable construction experience in groundworks, steel fixing, and shuttering carpentry.

One participant of the programme, Kelly, spoke of the skills he has picked up during the bootcamp: “I’ve learned new skills like carpentry and steel fixing. The Bootcamp was very patient and understanding, making learning easy and enjoyable.”

Another, Yahya, shared his newfound passion for steel fixing, sharing, “I really enjoyed my first time being on the construction site, seeing all the different parts of the process. Steel fixing is what I’m really good at and enjoy the most!

Kelly and Yahya are just two of many dedicated and hardworking participants involved in the programme, with Rockwell proud to offer opportunities for young people to get first-hand experience of working in the construction industry and potentially secure future employment on site at Hurlingham Waterfront.